Alkali Mesic Grassland/Seasonal Wetland

This community type occurs in the level broad flats between mima mounds and around the edges of the larger playa-type pools and as created or altered natural wetlands that have been influenced by land use activities on the property. This community type is primarily associated with Solano Loam. In most areas, these areas tend to lack deep (greater than 1 to 2 inches), prolonged standing water, except where vernal pools are present, but have saturated soil conditions for a prolonged period in the winter and spring. Vegetation in this community tends to be lower in cover, density, and species diversity because of the alkaline conditions. Currently, the vegetation is dominated by common, nonnative grasses such as perennial ryegrass and Mediterranean barley; however, there are remnants of the native species that were probably characteristic of this community in its more natural state. These native species include coyote thistle, popcorn flower, several goldfields, and blennosperma, salt grass (Distichlis spicata), and alkali sacaton (Sporobolis airoides). The uncommon alkali milkvetch (Astragalus tener var. tener) is also present in this community.

Species associated with the mesic annual grassland/seasonal wetland are referred to for the preservation credits as Group 3 species and include:

  • Alkali milkvetch
  • Brittlescale
  • Crownscale
  • Swainson's hawk (foraging habitat - grassland)
  • Burrowing owl (foraging habitat)